Why Choose Note Designer?
Why Choose Note Designer? Our Mission: At Note Designer, we understand the unique challenges faced by clinicians every day because we are also in the profession. Unlike other companies in this [...]
Stress-Awareness: Insights and perspectives from Psychoneuroimmunology
Stress – A challenge for mind and body In recognition of stress awareness month, here is a short summary of a recent podcast featuring an interview with Dr. George Slavich, a prominent [...]
Understanding Protected Health Information (PHI): What we need to know 🔎
As a fellow clinician and co-founder of Note Designer software, I take data privacy issues and concerns very seriously and have been working to find a balance between easing clinical burden while [...]
Reflections on Using Artificial Intelligence in Therapy Documentation: Benefits, concerns, and solutions
Unless one has been living on a deserted island with no internet connection or cell towers (which certainly has its appeal), most of us have heard of Chat GPT – an artificial intelligence [...]
Prioritizing Mental Health Supports in the LGBTQ+ Community: Toward greater inclusivity and awareness
In celebration of Pride month, I thought we should take a moment to consider the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in accessing and receiving appropriate mental health supports and [...]
Therapist Self-Care: A Professional Responsibility (to be enjoyed)
As mental health professionals we dedicate our lives to helping others foster their own emotional wellbeing and mental health, confront and accept their human vulnerabilities, cope with [...]
The Importance of Clinical Supervision for Psychotherapists
Though our work with clients involves the emotional intimacy and privacy of a one-on-one clinical encounter, this is not work that can be done in isolation or without external supports. After [...]