Frequently Asked Questions

Tell me about getting set up?

Note Designer runs in any computer’s browser, so there is nothing to install and it is convenient to use across multiple devices. Upon purchase  of your monthly or annual subscription you will be emailed a link to set up your account and password. Once you start using the program, if you create some of your own phrases or customize the pre-set statements, these customizations will all be safely stored in your account on our server so they will be available when you log in from other devices. Note Designer does not store your notes though: You can export your completed note as a pdf, or copy/paste the note into Word or into most Electronic Health Systems.

Tell me more about the different payment plans?

For your Note Designer subscription there is either a low monthly subscription fee or an even less expensive annual fee. There are also reduced-fee group rates for groups of 3 or more practitioners: this group rate is displayed on our Pricing page.

How is billing handled?

All our online sales are handled by Fastspring, a world leader in e-commerce and the retail partner for thousands of online companies internationally. Fastspring securely handles your credit card information and billing (using industry-standard encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information); we at Note Designer then set up your user account and ensure access to the program. Billing is automatically done either monthly or annually. The merchant of record is  Fastspring’s office in the United States, and pricing is therefore in US dollars with conversions applied for other currencies that take into account the typical range of currency exchange fluctuation over time. If you need it, their W-9 information can be found here.

Can I purchase a group license, or a license for trainees/interns to share?

Yes, in fact group rates for 3 or more practitioners are displayed on our Pricing page.

Can I return the program? What is the license agreement?

You can return the program within 30 days for an unconditional full refund. Your account dashboard has a button to cancel your subscription.  The full end-user license agreement (EULA) can be seen here: License

Do you have a video demonstrating the program?

We have videos linked from the bottom of our main page HERE.

Can I customize the statements?

Yes. For each note you write, you can write introductory and closing paragraphs. In addition, for each of the categories of statements (i.e., affective/mental state, themes of the session, interventions, treatment plan) there are many places to generate your own phrases and statements specific to your clientele and orientation. Plus, if you find you tend to re-use some of these (e.g., common interventions you use that are not covered in the existing statements) in many of your notes, you can choose to save them to be presented as options each time you create a new note.  It is also possible to modify the wording of the 300+ pre-set statements to match your particular situation and style. All of these features are designed to balance structure and convenience with flexibility and customizability. Your customizations are stored on our server so they are available on all your devices. Finally, the program has recently been undergoing significant development to allow extensive customization by the user: You can create new note templates by moving around elements or even creating entirely new tabs, subtabs, or categories of content. You can learn all about customizing Note Designer here.

Can I use this as a system for electronic note keeping?

The purpose of Note Designer is to help you to create your notes effectively and efficiently.  Note Designer is not an EHR (Electronic Health Records) system. Your notes are not transmitted to the cloud, or stored on our server.  Note Designer is not intended as a system for electronic note storage, but rather as a tool to help with structured and efficient note composition. Users typically print their notes, or copy-paste the completed note either into a secure EHR system or into Word (or some other word processing program) for final editing/formatting and secure storage.

Is Note Designer HIPAA compliant?

Because Note Designer is a note writing software and not a record storage system (such as with Electronic Health Records), HIPAA compliance is not an issue. You are fully in charge of where and how you store your confidential data – with Note Designer your identifying protected health information is never stored in the cloud or on our server – they remain in your hands on your device. Read more about HIPAA here.

What can I do if I lose my password?

You can find a link to reset your password if you lose it: Just look on the regular login page (which can be accessed at the top right of our website,  HERE ). You will provide your email address and a link will be emailed to you so you can reset your password.

Do you have any guidelines for writing notes?

Indeed we do. We wrote a little book that discusses guidelines for effective psychotherapy note writing. The book is available for sale at Amazon or via Note Designer: a simple step-by-step guide to writing your psychotherapy progress notes by Patricia C. Baldwin

Note Designer book

Also you might find these articles useful:

Where is Note Designer from? Are you in Canada?

Note Designer Inc. is a Canadian company. That said, although many of our users are in Canada, Australia, and other countries around the world, most are in the United States. All our online sales are handled by Fastspring, a US-based company that is a world leader in e-commerce and the retail partner for thousands of online companies internationally.

Est-ce que Note Designer est disponible en français?

  • “I just used it and am more than delighted at the amount of time this software is saving me. Many, many thanks!"

    – A.V., Psychologist
  • "The software has already saved me hours of work and a truckload of frustration. Thanks!"

    – R.R., MAMFT
  • "I love the program, it's exactly what I was looking for!"

    – J.S., MA, LPC
  • "The program expedites the note writing and works very well. I love writing notes with this program."

    – R.C.,M.D. ,Wichita, US
  • "Dear Note Designer, I want to tell you again, how much I love your product. It makes my life so much easier and I wouldn't be as effective in my work without it!"

    -J.H., MS, LCPC, Illinois
  • "Thank you! I love this program and recommend it to all my colleagues! I appreciate your great customer service! Warm Regards."

    - S.B., MS, LMHC, LPC
  • "Great program!!! So happy someone developed something like this!"

    -D.H., LCSW, Kentucky

Note Designer was created in 2013 by psychologists who wanted a better way to generate therapy notes.

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